Looking At The Whole

Looking At The Whole

During the next number of days, we will revisit the question of who we are. To get there, we will more deeply explore the universe, God, quantum physics, you, and how it all connects. Without looking at the whole—the universe and the transcending force that undergirds it—how can we understand who we are?

Looking At The Whole

Seeing With New Eyes

Questions about the universe and our place in it have mystified philosophers, scientists, theologians, and seekers of truth for thousands of years. Through our work, I seek to guide you to an understanding of your True Self – an awareness of love.

Looking At The Whole

Who Am I?

Have you ever… gazed at hundreds of stars lighting up the sky on a clear night, stood on a sandy beach on an island looking out at clear turquoise water, experienced the warmth of the sun after a chilly night, looked deeply into the eyes of your lover, held your newborn baby in your arms for the first time, …and then been overcome with wonder and gratitude for the beauty of life?