The Healing Codes

meditations and teachings combining scientific research with the wisdom of jesus to help transform your health.

Decrease Anxiety

Experience the Presence of Love

Boost Your Immune System

Are You Struggling With Anxiety, Fear or Health Concerns?

Fear is a negative energy force within your body. In fact, fear weakens your immune system, and can even lead to premature death.

But love casts out all fear. When you awaken to loving divine Presence within you, you experience an inner peace that releases the tension and stress in your body. It boosts your immune system and transforms your health.

You Are Valuable. Your Health Is Important.

What’s Included In Your Healing Codes Program:

Inspiring Lessons

Eight audio lessons on the three healing codes of Jesus that science are now confirming.

Healing Meditations

Three daily meditations on love, grace, and peace designed to boost your immune system and transform your health.

Bonus Meditations

Downloadable audios for everyday mindfulness around divine love

Your Plan To Transform Your Health

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Discover your healing codes, and participate in simple meditations.

Experience Freedom

Transform your health through awareness of Presence within you.

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