Awareness Of Stillness

by Nov 9, 2021Theme: The Wonder Of Who You Are

Continued from yesterday…

When I decided that I wanted to know the truth that makes me free, I had to be honest with what my faith had brought me so far. I didn’t like what I saw, so I became a desperate pursuer of truth.

After my healing experience of cluster headaches in January 2006, I began searching for answers that eventually led me to practice loving-kindness meditation every day. I discovered a precious treasure of love, grace, peace, and joy within me, that was beyond anything my mind could conceive. It was a pure awareness of the stillness of the spirit within.

Out of that grew a new understanding of many spiritual texts. It was as though I had been spiritually blind, but now the veil was removed. With new perception, I found the ancient spiritual books to be fascinating texts that should be explored through the eyes of mystics.

I want to present what I discovered. It’s reflective of my journey of transformation. Yet it would be egoic to suggest that my path toward transformation is the only path to enlightenment, salvation, or transformation. I cannot speak for other paths because they’re not part of my experience. So what I share is what changed my life. I make no judgments about other spiritual experiences.

I will use metaphors, spiritual texts, and stories that I’m familiar with from my Christian background. If you come from a different tradition, please know that I’m not writing to convert you.

My intention is instead to provide a broader framework by which you can explore on your own. If you’ve reading this, I’m confident you are already well on your way to finding your true self and living your best life. So I hope that you will be able to glean insights that will be helpful to your journey, because we are all in it together.

To be continued tomorrow…

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