Awakening To Who You Are

Awakening To Who You Are

I began my work with orphaned children in Tanzania about a year after my transformative encounter with divine love in 2006. Working with children, or being involved with humanitarian work, had never been on my list of life goals. But after my dream on June 30, 2006, I was moved with compassion for AIDS orphans in Africa.

Awakening To Who You Are

Why Jesus Succeeded

The success of Jesus was not in his ability to start a new religion. Being a religious founder was never part of his plan. But the way of the famous rabbi was to reach out to the ones who were considered less and who were rejected by society.

Awakening To Who You Are

The Genius Inside You

When you are in that place of awareness, you are attuned to the infinite wisdom of God, which gives you the grace to do more than you ever thought possible. Your mind, remodeled by your awakened consciousness, is no longer restricted by the nagging voice of fear. The ego’s unconscious storyline of I’m not enough, which limited your potential, has yielded to the spirit’s affirmation of “I am love,” thus breaking the limitations that fear produced in your mind.

Awakening To Who You Are

The Foundation of Happiness

What you do in life is not something you have to figure out, which is rooted in fear and leads to stress and ultimately more suffering. But when you are aware of the divine presence within you, your function will, at some point, even if it takes some time, show up as an idea to explore or a passion to follow.