The Genius Inside You

The Genius Inside You

When you are in that place of awareness, you are attuned to the infinite wisdom of God, which gives you the grace to do more than you ever thought possible. Your mind, remodeled by your awakened consciousness, is no longer restricted by the nagging voice of fear. The ego’s unconscious storyline of I’m not enough, which limited your potential, has yielded to the spirit’s affirmation of “I am love,” thus breaking the limitations that fear produced in your mind.

The Genius Inside You

The Foundation of Happiness

What you do in life is not something you have to figure out, which is rooted in fear and leads to stress and ultimately more suffering. But when you are aware of the divine presence within you, your function will, at some point, even if it takes some time, show up as an idea to explore or a passion to follow.

The Genius Inside You

Inner Peace Leads Knowing What To Do

When you awaken to your true self, your unique role will naturally emerge from within. The infinite wisdom flows through your spirit and guides your path. However, your actual part may not be immediately known because waking up involves first coming to a place of contentment and gratitude in what is now.

The Genius Inside You

Finding Your Mission

While everyone shares the same purpose, all of us have unique functions. Our personalities are different, and our talents, abilities, and intelligence vary. So we fill our own individual roles and take on various tasks that match our gifting. The purpose is still the same for everyone, but what we do differs. Yet, our responsibilities complement one another and contribute to the emergence of the Christ-centric consciousness on earth.

The Genius Inside You

What Happened After the Awkward Pause

In June 2006, while speaking in Tanzania at a Christian Festival (crusade), I had a dream one night that had a profound effect on me. In the dream, I found myself sitting on a chair near the head of a long, gray table. Diagonally across from me and slightly pushed back in disinterest, sat a well-known Hollywood actress.