The Birthing Of New Creation

by Nov 27, 2021Theme: The Unfolding Creation

Continued from yesterday…

For the last few days, we have looked at evolution through a spiritual lens. After spending considerable time studying this subject both from the point of view of science, including quantum physics, and spiritual text, such as the Bible, I have come to conclude that:

The universe is going through a process of self-transcendence with an ever-increasing awareness of the singleness of Being. Divine love is at the heart of this unfolding; it’s the birthing of new creations that urges cosmic life toward greater unity in love, and more fully expresses the spirit’s essence of unifying love through form.

So when talking about evolution, we are merely affirming that progress is the spirit-in-action, working through us to develop in full maturity. We are evolving biologically because we deepen in consciousness.

Continued tomorrow…

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