Give Thanks Daily

Give Thanks Daily

One effective way to reframe your perception throughout the day is by deliberately giving thanks. When you feel overwhelmed, stressed, irritated, agitated, upset, angry, or even depressed, pause for a moment to give thanks for the food in your stomach, clothes on your back, another day of life in this beautiful world.

Give Thanks Daily

Permission to Doubt

Sometimes, it’s hard to be thankful. The negative chatter in the mind can be so noisy that it seems impossible to express genuine gratitude. Some of the obstacles to gratefulness can be our family, a group that we are part of, and even our church, temple, or other places of worship. The feelings of not being enough within, or for, our system or tribe can lead to deep-rooted fear, guilt, shame, and even mental illness.

Give Thanks Daily

Practicing Gratitude

At its core, gratitude is not a mental or intellectual response or necessarily a verbal communication. Instead, being thankful is the internal experience of fullness, an opening of the heart, and an expansion within us that spontaneously springs forth from the awareness of grace, love, and goodness.

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Thank You For All Kinds Of Weather

I recently heard a prayer attributed to St. Francis: “Thank you for all kinds of weather!” Beyond the recognition of the beauty of different weather patterns, there’s a truth in these words that illuminates gratitude and that offers clarity to the Biblical saying, “in everything, give thanks.

Give Thanks Daily

The Fleeting Shadows

Viewing the world through a fearful lens keeps you under the grip of the ego, and that leads to more heartache, depression, disputes, trauma, illness, conflict, and the like. What you think about, you become. And what you have become, you attract more of.