A Mindset of Love

What guides your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs – fear or love? In this episode entitled, A Mindset of Love, David Youngren talks to Marcus Noel about breaking free from the invisible limitations generated by fears, such as anxiety and insecurity. Four different...
Lashing Out At The “Haters”

Identifying with Physical Appearance

Almost every day, I go for a hike or a run for 40 or more minutes in my neighborhood. Although the weather is usually quite warm, even in the wintertime here in San Diego, the daytime temperature drops into the 40s a few times every year. In that brisk cold air, I wear warm workout clothes, including a hoody over my head and a pair of sunglasses to shield against the glare of the sun.

Lashing Out At The “Haters”

The Ways the Ego Creates Unhappiness

The ego is the cause of your unhappiness and unhealthy relationships and can even create sickness in your body. So during this month, we will explore through our Daily Wisdom posts how the ego works in our lives and why we must awaken within to our union with God to enjoy healthy relationships and thus live our best life.