Restoring Your Innocence

Restoring Your Innocence

One time I was coaching Aislynn, who had a dream of owning an investment property. Most of my initial sessions involve reframing a person’s mindset. Fear and insecurity are usually the biggest obstacles for people to overcome. That’s why in the early sessions, I guide people toward finding their true self within: so they will have the confidence to accomplish their goals.

Restoring Your Innocence

The Strength of Vulnerability

Since childhood, we have been taught to associate vulnerability with weakness. Letting others see our hurts, failures, and imperfections is such a daunting challenge for most people that they keep everyone at a safe distance, always giving themselves an exit strategy in every relationship.

Restoring Your Innocence

Regaining Confidence When Rejected

Rejection is probably the most common emotional wound that we experience in our lives. When our spouse leaves us, or we get passed up on a promotion, or excluded from a social gathering, we experience the sting of rejection. The emotional pain that we feel can be absolutely paralyzing.

Restoring Your Innocence

A View From the “Heavenly Realm”

One of my most treasured opportunities has been to start a charity called Juma’s World that empowers children in Tanzania. Our main work is located in and around Tabora. In the beginning, we would travel by flight to Tabora, landing on a hilly graveled landing strip. But then all flights were canceled for several years as they rebuilt the airport.

Restoring Your Innocence

Shift In Perception

When you awaken to your true self within, you gain a new view of yourself and the world. You realize your mind has been under the control of an egoic consciousness. What unfolds upon that realization is a total renovation where love—not fear—increasingly becomes the primary guide of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.