by David Youngren | Sep 6, 2021 | Theme: Your Secret Heart
True change is only possible if the heart is transformed. In my particular church background, I was taught about Christ dwelling in my heart. At the same time, I was also told that I had to change what I was doing wrong through self-discipline and working hard at it. I had to do everything in my ability to lose my bad habits, destructive behaviors, and negative attitudes. But the more I tried to change, the more I failed. Sure, I succeeded from time to time, but often the success was short lived. Every time I felt like I came up short, I drowned in frustration, guilt, and insecurity.
by David Youngren | Sep 5, 2021 | Theme: Your Secret Heart
Your current reality is a direct result of your perception of yourself in your heart. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he,” Solomon said. You are exactly the kind of person you believe you are in your heart.
by David Youngren | Sep 4, 2021 | Theme: Your Secret Heart
The way you really see yourself and the world around you derives from your heart. Your heart consists of your core belief or feelings about yourself and the world in which you live. Throughout your life you have had a series of experiences that made a deep impression upon you. These experiences gave rise to meditative thoughts bathed in emotions that formed a portrait of who you are in your heart.
by David Youngren | Sep 3, 2021 | Theme: Your Secret Heart
What is the secret heart? Volumes of books could be written on the subject and it is impossible to fathom every aspect of the heart. Knowing the nature of the heart and will empower you to experience change.
by David Youngren | Sep 2, 2021 | Theme: Your Secret Heart
The only experiences that really matter are those that move you in your heart because the heart is the center of your life. Your heart leads you in everything you do. The heart is the non-conscious level of your being that directs your thoughts and actions. You hold your beliefs about yourself in your heart, and these beliefs define your approach to life and how you automatically respond to every situation.