The Gentle Stirring of Love

Freefall Into The Mystery

James Finley wrote, “Even now by faith we lose our footing and fall into a new, unending center in which we are upheld by God and not by the narrow base of our ego’s self-assertion.” The silence of centering prayer teaches me how to lose my footing—and be caught by God. It enables me to let go of my ego’s insistence that it is the center of the world.

The Gentle Stirring of Love

Thirst For Inner Stillness

I believe there is a great thirst for silence in our world. I teach centering prayer at churches in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, area, and people come, wanting to learn more. They ask, “Is there another way to pray? How does it work? Why should I try it? How can it help me?”

The Gentle Stirring of Love

In Search For 30 Years

The Beloved says from the other side of the door, “Open the door and come in, so we can experience just how One we might become.” Centering prayer is the door I open to come in and experience oneness with God.