by David Youngren | Jul 4, 2021 | Theme: The Power Of Imagination
According to quantum physics, when you direct, often by default and unconsciously, your thoughts on relationship challenges, financial gloom, sickness, failure, etc., you are effectively releasing corresponding energy into the energy field of the universe. So, in a way, you send out signals that attract that reality.
by David Youngren | Jul 3, 2021 | Theme: The Power Of Imagination
Most people may not question that visualization works, but many often say, it won’t work for me. So let me explain the science of imagination in simple terms and how visualization has the power to attract a new reality into your life. Yes, there’s a quantum mechanics scientific theory for why it works.
by David Youngren | Jul 2, 2021 | Theme: The Power Of Imagination
Why is imagination so crucial for human achievement? There are many reasons, but one explanation has to do with your subconscious. When you imagine the goal, or the destination, you are impregnating your subconscious with beliefs that guide your actions and behavior. What you also find is that you will begin to attract desired people, things, and circumstances to achieve what you imagine.
by joseg | Jul 2, 2021 | Uncategorized
In this episode, David and Marcus explore the connection between the universe, God, and you. Without looking at the whole—the universe and the transcending force that undergirds it—how can we understand who we are? If the starting point for exploring the question of...
by David Youngren | Jul 1, 2021 | Theme: The Power Of Imagination
When I was in my teens living in Sweden, I was fascinated with the Soviet Union. Communism was at the time the enemy of the Western world and seen as the perennial threat to our very existence. Perhaps it was the fear of the “evil empire,” as President Reagan coined it, or Sweden’s proximity to this giant of the Eastern Bloc that captivated me. But whatever it was, it had a profound effect on my imagination.