The Reflex of Letting Go

The Reflex of Letting Go

Letting go during centering prayer is meant to continue the rest of your day. What do I mean by this? I mean we should never hold on to thoughts and emotions that are not productive. They stop us from accomplishing the daily tasks that we need to complete. When I become worried, I let it go. When I become anxious, I let it go. When I become frustrated, I let it go. When I become afraid, I let it go.

The Reflex of Letting Go

The “Let-Go” Process

On workdays, my first centering-prayer sit is at 5:45 a.m. I always feel some anxiety after I wake. Then I retreat to the basement, light a candle, and sit on a couch. It wakes me up. The anxiety fades. It fills me with interior peace and energizes me for the day.

The Heart Transformation

How do you become who you are? In this episode, David shares how pursuing change is the ego’s answer to self-improvement, while transformation is your heart’s (subconscious) awakening to your truest and deepest self. The first leads to frustration, anxiety, fear,...
The Reflex of Letting Go

What Changes The World?

The hope of contemplatives, often realized in the lives of saints both ancient and post-modern, is that just as meditation has transformed us, it will transform our society. This is why we show up every day. Centering prayer is the foundation, the context, for everything we do.

The Reflex of Letting Go

Understanding God When We Try Not To

Centering prayer is a personal and unique journey. We each start where we are and enter the Mystery. When we center, we let go of all preconceived notions. We let God be God. We cannot define God; when we try to do so, we end up with something dead and unhealthy, an idol! We can only open to God.