Why We Exist?
Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we seek to express love and peace in the world.
We envision a less selfish world…
Picture a world where we no longer debate who is in and who is out, when our agenda is no longer to divide us into “us versus them.” Imagine, when we no longer see each other from a worldly point of view but as Christ is all and in all. What an amazing way to see one another! To see as God sees. To see people through the lens of love. To regard us as one.
Providing guidance on your path of love

When you have doubts
You are not alone when you feel lost, confused, and have doubts about the beliefs handed down to you.

When old beliefs don't work anymore
You are not alone when doubts turn into detachment from many of your traditions.

When you spiritually rebuild
We offer guidance when you want help to live a more meaningful life.

When you live with purpose
We are with you when you deepen your awareness of oneness with God, and all things.
You are the light of the world
You are vital to the evolution of humanity. When we grow in spiritual intelligence and more profound selfless love for one another, we are making progress in the world. Every relationship –a partner, family members, friends, co-workers, extended communities, or the world – is essential in this development process.
In Biblical texts, Paul wrote, “if we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.” Essentially, Paul said that consciousness is evidence of life that comes from God. Therefore, let the pure and unconditioned consciousness that God gave you now guide how you live in the world. The fruit of pure consciousness or Spirit is love, peace, joy,and kindness.

Wisdom is knowledge deepened by love. Read Daily Wisdom to help you awaken to your true self and a life of purpose.
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Spirituality is not so much about having the “right beliefs” but awakening to inner peace. Listen to podcasts to help you on your path of love.

Our resources are designed to deepen your awareness of the Christ within and strengthen your compassionate involvement with the world.
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Wisdom is knowledge deepened by love
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