Why Love Gets Misconstrued

Why Love Gets Misconstrued

To better understand love, let’s first discuss a few misconceptions. Love is not a thought, or an action, or something we do. Certain beliefs can lead to awareness of love, but it’s not love itself. Acting lovingly, such as helping a friend, is admirable, but it’s not what love is.

Why Love Gets Misconstrued

Can Love Be Trusted?

Whenever you use the word love, you risk stepping on all kinds of landmines. Loaded with assumptions, expectations, and traditions, love is not easily defined because it means different things to different people at different times in their lives.

Why Love Gets Misconstrued

Circumventing The Mind

After I experienced healing from cluster headaches in 2006, I still struggled with the emotional baggage rooted in the feeling that I’m not enough. But as I began to meditate on divine love on a more consistent basis, I noticed a significant shift in my consciousness.