The Myth of Failure

In this episode, Marcus asks David about overcoming failure. Nothing in the human experience is more universal than failure. When we err, the primary emotion is guilt, followed by an inner shame. As David explains, guilt is really an attack on love, used by the ego to...
Love is the Giver of Inner Peace

Love Removes Selfishness

Selfishness makes us smaller, more protective and unwilling to share. Such small-mindedness impedes our ability for real success. But when our dreams are for the benefit of others, they have intrinsic power to turn water to wine (happiness and satisfaction), and sawdust to gold (wealth without greed).

Love is the Giver of Inner Peace

Embracing Your Flaws

Intrinsic power resides in love. When you are awakened to unconditional love, it has a profound ability to alter your life. It gives you power to accept yourself, embrace your flaws, and navigate your path to the place of ultimate satisfaction, contentment and success. The insecurity that whispered that I am not enough turns to an inner confidence that I am enough and all things are possible.

Love is the Giver of Inner Peace

The Essence of our Being

John Lennon, the Beatles’ legend, said, “There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.”